Flexible DASH Rig Splatter

This course is intended to educate reps, consultants, and roofing professionals on Versico’s innovative application technique for two-part, low-rise adhesives. In this session, we will discuss potential business opportunities, application benefits, and approved equipment options. The short-term and long-term performance of an adhered roofing system are reliant on the consistency and uniformity of the adhesive. Without this consistency, performance issues can occur, compromising the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants. Rig Splatter application of Versico’s flexible urethane adhesive greatly increases the consistency of the adhesive throughout the roofing system, allowing for greater confidence and peace of mind for the building’s occupants.


Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand the features and benefits of Rig Splatter with flexible urethane adhesive and how they relate to performance and efficiency.
  2. Determine how Rig Splatter differs from other application techniques when specifying, bidding, or installing a project.
  3. Identify the approved pieces of equipment to achieve Rig Splatter.
Education Content: Intermediate
Course Accreditation:
No accreditation provided for this course.
